Steps Involved in Copper IUD Insertion for Dubai Residents

 Copper intrauterine device (IUD) insertion is a straightforward procedure typically performed by gynecologists. Here are the steps involved in IUD Insertion Copper in Dubai residents:

  1. Consultation:

  2. You will have an initial consultation with your gynecologist to discuss your medical history, contraceptive needs, and the benefits and risks of the copper IUD.

  3. Preparation:

  4. On the day of the insertion, it's recommended to eat a light meal and take pain relievers as advised by your doctor to manage any discomfort during the procedure.

  5. Positioning:

  6. You will lie down on an examination table, similar to a pelvic exam, with your feet in stirrups to allow access to the cervix.

  1. Speculum Insertion:

  2. The doctor will gently insert a speculum into your vagina to visualize the cervix.

  3. Cervical Cleaning:

  4. The cervix will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection.

  5. IUD Insertion:

  6. Using a specialized inserter, the doctor will guide the copper IUD through the cervix and into the uterus. The arms of the IUD will then open to secure it in place.

  7. String Trimming:

  8. Once the IUD is positioned correctly, the doctor will trim the strings to an appropriate length, leaving them protruding a bit from the cervix for future checks.

  9. Post-Insertion Check:

  10. Your doctor may perform an ultrasound or physical examination to ensure the IUD is properly placed within the uterine cavity.

  11. Aftercare Instructions:

  12. You will receive aftercare instructions regarding managing any cramping or spotting, when to follow up, and what activities to avoid post-insertion.

  13. Follow-Up Appointment:

  14. It's crucial to attend a follow-up appointment as scheduled to confirm the IUD's placement and address any concerns or side effects.

By following these steps and staying informed about the process, women in Dubai can have a smooth and successful copper IUD insertion experience.


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